
I was born in Norway but grew up in Saudi Arabia from a age of 6 years old. I attended a international school that resembles a British Harry Potter school, sorted into color teams competing for merrit badges. When we got our first family computer i was sold, even to this day. Taught myself to code basic html and css at a age of 14. Thats when i found out i wanted to be a developer. Now im here!


  • I play the guitar and currently learning to play the piano.

  • I built my own computer at a age of 13, for gaming purposes.

  • I conseptualised, created market fit and designed a fully functional E-Commerce store for my family in 2017


  • 🎧 Music

  • 📚 Reading

  • 🏋️‍♂️ Gym

  • 🎥 Movies

  • 🎬 TV Shows

Phrases i Live by:

  • Love what you do and you'll never work a day in your life.
  • Let the universe do the worrying for you, anxiety gets you no where.
  • Last but not least, live in the now, which is all that actually exists, the past and future are just illusions.

Fullstack Developer

Technically: I'm proficient in a wide range of programming languages displayed further down the page. I am also highly proficient in both back-end and front-end development, ensuring that I can handle all aspects of your project from start to finish.







At Work

  • Socialy: A strong communicator and problem-solver, with the ability to work effectively both independently and in a team.
  • Values: I am a highly motivated and a passionate developer, having a strong work ethic and a desire to succeed. I always look to learn new skills to improve my knowledge and open to new opportunities and challenges.
  • Looking for: I'm a highly skilled and experienced full stack developer. Currently searching for clients to work with. With 4 years of experience in the IT industry, Whether you need a new website or application developed from scratch, or you require enhancements or updates to an existing one, I have the expertise and dedication to help bring your ideas to life.

Built with Next.js, Tailwind and Typescript